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Low VOC Paints

VOCs are Volatile Organic Compounds and they're part of the reason why fresh paint (especially when it's still wet) smells so strong. Painting in an enclosed space with high VOCs can lead to eye and throat irritation and headaches.

There are over 10,000 chemical compounds that can be labelled as VOCs. Many are found in everyday items such as paint, cleaning products and air fresheners. They’re traditionally used to help the flow and application, – but water-based paints now feature the same benefits with a much lower or minimal amount of VOCs.  

In our low VOC paint, we’ve taken away as many of the nasties in paint as possible. It is virtually odourless but still has great coverage and finish, thanks to the expertise of the chemists we worked with when producing our recipes.

Our air emissions accreditation ensures low emissions being released into your home, we were awarded a rating of A+. You can comfortably know our paints are safe for all the family.

Safe paint for all the family

Because of the very low VOC content and near-odourless formulation of our paints, they are safe to use in babies' nurseries and children's bedrooms. Likewise the paint is safe for pets! Reassurance that the whole family is best protected when doing your DIY projects.


The benefits of low VOC paints 

Environmentally friendly

As we mentioned, VOCs are harmful to the environment. Naturally, a paint with lower VOCs will be a more sustainable solution, and is less harmful to the environment than traditional paints. However, this does not mean low VOC paints are completely harmless. VOCs are only one of several toxic compounds that can be found in paints.  

Minimal odour

Odor is a big advantage that low VOCs paints have over traditional paints. If you have just recently painted your industrial/commercial facility, it could take days for the smell to clear away. This can be off-putting and even harmful to employees, as well as clients that visit your facility.  Reduced odor is a big benefit to low VOC paints.

Safer for employees

Going hand in hand with the odor, low VOC paints release less toxic fumes in the workplace. They are safer to use for the commercial painting contractors that paint your facility, as well as the employees that work inside. Less toxicity is the focal point of low VOC paints, and perhaps the biggest benefit in support of the new formulations. 

If science is your thing, you may want to know some of the ingredients we use. They include:




The A+ Air Label Score given to our paints means they meet all of the relevant standards and recommendations, with very low emissions during application.