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Paint trends for 2022……or not!

Paint trends for 2022……or not!

You might have seen a few articles looking at interior trends for 2022. I have and honestly, I love them. It’s exciting and inspiring to look at what might be coming into our homes over the coming months - and these predictions are made by people who work in our industry, who know the consumer audiences and what makes them tick.

At Zhoosh, we do have our own thoughts on this. I often get asked what the 2022
paint trends will be. We can already see what’s popular with home-owners across the UK. The last two years have made us really take stock and focus on the home and the heart - and this is reflected by the earthy, soothing, calming tones people are buying. Those types of colours certainly dominate our launch palette of colours. There is also an appetite for brights however, perhaps a sign of optimism and more pops of colour being used in interior design.

They are slightly tricky things though, trends.

They do have an impact on consumer choices – but at the same time, I have a lot of respect for individual personal taste.

I encourage people to look at their homes in a truly mindful way and while colours can and are seasonal and fashionable, a home needs to be a space that the owner feels safe and comfortable in, somewhere that reflects their own unique personality. When I work with clients I like to find out all about their interests, their hobbies, their furniture, their family.…. all of this is their routine, the fabric of their life and should be woven into their interiors.

It’s very exciting to see what’s coming up, absolutely. I love the pale blues, the earthy greens and the pops of pink and red that are popular at the moment. I do expect more of those pops of colour to come into play next year - but then as the last two years have shown us, we never truly know what’s around the corner. And I also love a calming cream tone and a gentle grey. It all depends on the room, the light, and how the person who lives in that room wants to use the space.

The things I hope and expect to see coming to the fore are health and well-being, a more flexible approach to living in general, a renewed taste for travel and global influences and – hopefully! – a genuine feeling of optimism.

Let’s all reflect that in our homes, whatever colours we choose.