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A wonderful world

A wonderful world

What a wonderful world

It’s easy to forget to stop and look at our world. We have busy lives and are always focused on the next task on our list, the next thing that needs to be done.

But sometimes, stopping and looking around can bring moments of utter bliss. Nature provides us with the best colour palette, the most uplifting sounds and the widest variety of smells.

What else comes close when it comes to touching our senses?

This image was taken on a regular walk along the river Thames at Cookham. No filter. The way that the setting sun lit the sky was like a crown reflecting on water. Looking at it, you can almost feel the slightly cooling air on your skin and hear the geese flying south for the winter. This one was taken on a frosty morning walk, where the candy pink clouds felt like a glowing ceiling of light, contrasting yet complementing the skeleton trees and the frozen ground. Your nose feels cold just looking at it! In a good way of course.

Stopping, taking in the views (and if they make you feel good, photographing them), is true mindfulness: living in the moment. It’s this that we try to crystalise in the colours of our paints and the way we create them. By bringing in earthy paint colours, and using décor that mimics the cycles of nature, you can create a space that is good for your soul. Here are some other ways you can bring the outdoors in and reflect nature for a more mindful home:

Go floral

Choose fresh flowers and accessories with the seasons: yellows and oranges in Spring, deep reds in Winter. Create wreaths or fireplace garlands that use nature: Autumn leaves in October, ripe red berries in December, daffodils in March.

Pick new pics

Rotate your artwork - who says it has to stay the same all year? We put our winter wardrobes away, why not our winter wall hangings? It can symbolise a shift and become an annual routine, to put away some pictures and bring out others that better reflect what’s going on outside.

Change your accessories

Rugs and cushions are things that can also be rotated easily as the seasons change, simply change cushion covers for a completely different look in a room, or add a basket of throws in winter to provide real warmth when used, and that lovely hygge look when piled high.

Make it real

There are so many wonderful artificial plants on the market now and we are fans of a lot of them: they’re low maintenance, don’t cause allergies and can look fantastic. But it’s still important to have real plants throughout your home. They’re good for your physical and mental health and when placed or arranged near a window or doorway, they lead the eyes outside and provide a seamless transition from indoor to out.

Embracing nature and its wonderful ebb and flow doesn’t just mean cooking fresh food that’s in season. It’s all about the look and feel of the home and everything in it.

By taking the time to look at what’s going on outside, you can make real differences inside, and have a home that is truly reflective of nature.

IMAGE: Taken by one of our Zhoosh Team whilst out on a Sunday evening stroll.