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Decorating your home office

Decorating your home office

How to decorate your home office

Are you looking for home office ideas? It’s about boosting productivity in a healthy way, mixing the functionality of work with a little bit of style.

The key is to make it work for you so that you can focus. Here are some easy ways to decorate your home office.

Create a bespoke area

It’s definitely best to create a bespoke area in your home for a home office: one that complements the rest of your space while being a distinct area for its purpose. You may already have a separate office in your home, but you may be working at the kitchen table. If you are, try to create a separation between ‘home’ and ‘work’.

Consider using zoning techniques: use a rug, create a shelf area, line up some plants, or apply some paint effects such as colour blocking on the wall to subtly and subliminally mark a section of the room as an allocated workspace, helping you compartmentalise better.

Choose the right colours

Choose your colour schemes carefully. Bright or coordinated accessories really help, from mugs to notebooks. They help focus the mind and bring attention to your role. Our earthy tones are ideal for a workspace as they encourage focus and being in the moment, with subtle greys or muted blues emanating calm. You could go for a traditional library feel with dark colours, or a light, bright and minimal space: it’s entirely your call.

Bring in biophilia

Biophilia - the use of nature - is proven to have a positive impact on mental health. American psychologist Eric Fromm first coined the term in the 1970s, describing what he saw as an innate love of nature in humans. Studies have shown that workers’ quality of life can be enriched by plants: they lift the mood. And if you are happy, you will work better! So bring in some plants. Hanging ones work well if you don’t have much space.

Use wall shelving and get the right chair

And if you are tight on room, try to reduce clutter with some wall shelving and storage. This helps keep the room feeling tidy and open.

Your workplace needs to be healthy and productive, without encroaching too much on your interior design. This is not just about work. It is about creating a space where you can thrive, feel safe and be productive.